Social and Cultural Geography is a book with research papers presenting the development in this field of Social and Cultural Geography in Bulgaria. It has been issuing since 2004 and it is a joint scientific publication between Veliko Tarnovo University "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
The purpose of this publication is to bring together the scientific potential in this science in one place. With its publications, the authors seek to show the cultural differences that are presented in our world.
Authors and titles of the articles:
Authors and titles of the articles:
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Petar STOYANOV, Social Geography Yesterday and Today......................................................................................9
Kalina MILKOVA, Soviet and Russian Social Geography.........................................................................................43
Marin BACHVAROV, Geography of Culture or Cultural Interpretation of Geography.....................................................57
Dimitrina MIHOVA , Cultural Geography or Geography Through Understanding the Culture..........................................75
Atanas DERMENDZHIEV, For the Necessity of Acquiring Social, Cultural and Geopolitical knowledge.........................89
Akihiro KINDA, Historical Geography in Japan.......................................................................................................103
Marin BACHVAROV, Boyka BACHVAROVA, Civilization Bifurcation-Deficiency and Charisma of Homo Balcanicus.....125
Marin BACHVAROV, My (Habsburgian) Romania, Interview with Richard Wagner, German Writer of Romanian Banat..137
Petar STOYANOV, H. GANEV, K. FRAZNTZ, Privatization of Public Space as a New Trend in Urban Development......149
Milena GUEST, Social and Spatial Changes in Sofia in during the First Decade of Post-Socialist Transtition...............171
Luben HRISTOV, The Way of Culture: Behind the Messages of East Asian and European Mental Traditions...............199
Dimitrina MIHOVA, Cultural Geography in the Virtual World.....................................................................................213
Rumen YANKOV, The Stability of the Voting Adjustment as an Element of the Socio-Cultural Regionalization.............233
K. FRANTZ, Indian Reservations in USA-Anglo-American and Indian Value Concepts as Determinants of Econ. Life....249
Tony TRAYKOV, B. KAZAKOV, Confessional Structure of Population in Bulgaria-Development, State and Differences..269